Sunday, August 31, 2008

Drive Slower

I swear can old people drive any slower? I could walk faster then these people drive. Do they think because they can’t walk fast means they have to drive slowly?

I swear every time I see an old person in front of me I am ever so tempted just to ram the ass of their card so they can go 20 MPH instead of 5 MPH. I know I know that would never work but I know what would every old person must put a cable on the front of their car and when someone passes them they hook onto the car in front of them and problem solve.

Now the voices have another idea. Every non old person car should be equipped with a rocket launcher and if old people are driving to slow just blow them off the road WHOO that would be so cool kinda like fireworks.

Off to the military store hope the voices have a plan to get some money. Oh look a bank.

4 Voices:

MissMP said...

Yes, the elderly can drive very slowly and cause many traffic problems. I feel that once people reach a certain age they should have to take driving tests to make sure they are still able to keep up...

How's it going off the meds?

Dan da Man said...

Its good but people keep trying to put my meds in my food its very rude

Matt said...

How would you push a car when you're riding your bike?
Does your bike have a banana seat?

Dan da Man said...

When you are on a bike you just slash the old people’s tires out of anger duh