Saturday, August 30, 2008


I don’t think it’s a very hard concept but maybe that’s because I am of superior intelligence of all the dumbass bike riders out there.

I enjoy bike riding it’s an easy way to run (well ride) away from the multiple voices coming from my head, but is it so hard to stay on the shoulder of the road when riding your bike? Every time I pass someone that’s riding their bike and is not even close to the shoulder of the road I just want to “sneeze” so my hands jerk into the dumbasses direction and cause some brain damage because I think that would make these people smarter.

What really gets me close to running these people off the road is when they look back at you and keep going almost in the middle of the street I just want to slam the gas and run them down but that would mean another trip to the mental hospital.

One of these days I am going to listen to the voices in my head and ram these dummies of the road and just laugh my ass off they are so damn stupid.

Me and the voices are going to go for walk together with a baseball bat so I wouldn’t come near me.

1 Voices:

Anonymous said...

The voices are right - run those idiot bicylists off the damn road. Roads were made for cars already.