Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am so sick of motorcycles that sound like a freaking space shuttle launching. I will be sitting in my living watching TV then BAM! 15 motorcycles drive by and I miss what the hell is going on. Honestly them interrupting my shows isn’t that big of a deal because I can just pause the TV or rewind.

What really bothers me is when they go by in the early morning like 4, 5 o’clock. That’s what I want being wok up 3 hours early by freaking motorcycles. AHHHH!!!!! Every time they drive by my house I just want to grab my shotgun and blow out their engine I would love to hear them make noise after that.

But I know that would be to harsh so me and the voice came up with a great idea, every night for the past 5 weeks we have been staying up and anytime a loud ass motorcycle is coming we throw a giant stick into the middle of the road and bam instant death. Sounds harsh? I think not what’s harsh is them waking everyone up. Good news for the last week we haven’t seen any motorcycles so I think my plan is working.

We are going to get some much needed sleep.

4 Voices:

Matthew Howard said...

Just like those little rice burners that try to drive around at 2 AM. You should just throw some tacks or nails out in the road. That will shut'em up.

Dan da Man said...

Well yea but if i go with my stick thing if someone drives by that is extremely loud i can pick up the stick and use it as a baseball bat

Chat Blanc said...

Oh I'm soooo stealing your stick idea and joe somebody's tack idea and using both!

Damn you're helpful! :D

Dan da Man said...

Hey i got a copyright on that so pay me a penny and you can use it