Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Driving age requirement

The driving age requirement should be (drum roll please)………………………..60. Yup people over 60 shouldn’t be able to drive. Why? You might ask well it’s because as people get older then get worse at driving. They drive slow they are idiots and seem like they forgot the rules of the road. So if you are 60 or older burn your license and if you know someone who is 60 or older you must take their licenses because they are a danger.

What brought this about? Well for one old people drive slow I have been over that on an earlier date. But the reason that brought this reason is the fact the other day I was driving home and this old hag was in the middle of the road steady as can be coming right toward me. I thought that she might be trying to pass the car in front of her so I prepared to stop but no she was just driving in the middle of the road and it was like she had blinders on. She was looking straight ahead no flinching and I am in my car flipping out because I am about to go in the ditch but I thought came to me why not hit her head on? Well because I don’t have money for a new car so I didn’t do that but the voices were pussies they ran away.

But the old hag just missed me and I had a reason to change my pants.

The voices (yeah they came back) and I are going to raid old peoples houses to find their licenses and maybe go through their granny panties.

6 Voices:

Matthew Howard said...

Shoot I don't plan to live that long. What's the age to to ride a bike?

Dan da Man said...

29 anyone older is to slow

Jordan said...
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Jordan said...

yea i agree

just a girl... said...

oh lord he is back. what is you raid the granny and she isnt wearing and doesnt have any panties.

Anonymous said...

Hell, they should burn 75% of all drivers licenses, regardless of age. Honestly, about that many of the drivers must have bough theirs illegally.