Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stop school violence

This has been a problem for many years and in all schools. So how does one stop the bulling and violence that goes on in schools?

Well I have an idea but the voices are being very pushy that I put their idea first and since they are giving me a migraine here it goes.

They want all students to be put in straight jackets. Yes the plan is foolproof but is it practical. I think not because how will students do their work and the bullies can still verbally attack other kids. Well the voices have an answer for each one of those questions.

How will the kids be able to write well hello that’s what a mouth is for you just stick a pen in the mouth and they are good to go.

Problem two what about verbal abuse well when classes change all the kids will be forced to be gagged.

I don’t think that would be the best learning environment so my idea is so much better and very simple.

All schools will have hall taserers which is a group of kids that roam the halls with tasers and if the see anything bad they zap the kid I know so simple.


8 Voices:

Matthew Howard said...

Thats kinda like the idea that was on the simpsons a few years back. Milhouse started bullying all the bullies. I can see it working. Something has to be done for sure though.

Dan da Man said...

true dat people like me must be stopped

In my school we never really had bullies

Matt said...

You'd see kids getting into pen fights as they holds them in their mouth. Jason Bourne could kill you that way.

Dan da Man said...

Jason Bourne isnt a kid i think

just a girl... said...

okay I get it now. I thought you were over taken by aliens now i see its just the non-meds talking. No blood, guts or glory. HAHA

Dan da Man said...

Well I was probed by aliens......oh wait that was just my fantasies

Dan da Man said...
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Ashley Smith said...

I like your sense of humor.